Lesson planning and ChatGPT

As an AI language tool, ChatGPT can help save you hours in lesson planning. Here is a quick insight into how to get started. Start saving those Sunday evenings!

3 min read

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MacBook Pro near white open book

As a teacher, you know that lesson planning can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, by using a set structure or framework, such as Rosenshine's principles or the accelerated learner cycle, you can streamline your planning process and create more effective lessons. And with the help of ChatGPT, you can generate text based on keywords or phrases that align with these structures. Here are some tips on how to use ChatGPT to create lesson plans using a set structure:

1) Identify the structure: Before using ChatGPT, it's important to identify the structure or framework that you want to use for your lesson plan. This may be Rosenshine's principles, the accelerated learner cycle, or another established framework that aligns with the goals of your school or trust. You can even copy and paste into ChatGPT your own lesson structure and ask it to create a plan aligned to this!

2) Input relevant keywords: Once you've identified the structure, you can use ChatGPT to generate text that aligns with these principles. Input relevant keywords or phrases related to the structure, such as "modelling", "reviewing", or "reflection", and ChatGPT will generate text that provides a starting point for your lesson plan. You can also ask for key vocabulary or features of effective lesson design, such as "key skills" or "knowledge", to help generate more targeted results. ChatGPT can help list things like key vocab and knowledge needed for the lesson thus helping you with your subject knowledge too.

3) Incorporate the lesson structure: Use the generated text to structure your lesson plan according to the principles of the framework you have chosen. This might involve identifying the key skills and knowledge being taught, planning activities to promote active learning, or incorporating opportunities for feedback and reflection.

4) Analyse the generated text: Once you've generated text using ChatGPT, take the time to analyse it and identify key concepts or ideas that align with the structure. You may need to modify or adapt the generated text to fit the needs of your children or to ensure that it covers all the necessary content.

5) Incorporate assessment: To ensure that your children are meeting the goals of the structure, it's important to incorporate assessment into your lesson plans. This may include formative assessments, such as quizzes or exit tickets, or summative assessments, such as tests or projects. You can use ChatGPT to generate questions or prompts for assessments that align with the principles of the structure.

6) Be flexible: While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for generating ideas, it's important to remain flexible and adaptable. Lesson planning is an iterative process, and you may need to modify your plans based on children's needs, feedback, or unexpected events. Use ChatGPT as a starting point, but be open to making adjustments and changes as needed.

As always, one of the best things to do is have a play...why not try putting into ChatGPT a prompt such as "Generate a lesson for Y3 on how the Romans invaded Britain using the accelerated learner cycle for lesson structure" - see what it comes out with. Remember...you can keep asking ChatGPT to refine the output if it is not quite what you wanted or ask it to change certain elements.

Using ChatGPT to create lesson plans using a set structure can help you save time and ensure that your lessons are more effective. By inputting relevant keywords, asking for key vocabulary and other key features of effective lesson design, incorporating the lesson structure, analysing the generated text, incorporating assessment, and remaining flexible, you can use ChatGPT to develop engaging and effective lesson plans that align with your established frameworks and help your children achieve their full potential. Why not give it a go? Save those Sundays!